Pacific Northwest Bible Quizzing Standard Operating Policies

The following are the Standard Operating Policies, hereinafter referred to as SOPs, of Pacific Northwest Bible Quizzing, hereinafter referred to as PNW.

These SOPs are managed by the Board of Directors of PNW as per the PNW Bylaws.

Documentation Availability

All documentation for PNW should be made easily available to all participants in PNW by publication on a web site and a network file sharing system. Whenever possible, these documents should be made public.

Rules Codification

The Rules Subcommittee is responsible for overseeing the rules codification of PNW. Rules codificiation begins with the CBQ rule book, accepted as the governing set of rules. The Rules Subcommittee may then develop a Pacific Northwest Bible Quizzing Rules document that provides adjustments to any settings allowed by the rules.

Additional Documents

In addition to this SOP, there are sub-SOP documents that should be considered included as part of PNW's overall SOP. These documents are:

Quizzer Eligibility

PNW Quizzing recognizes that coaches (ministry organization Quizzing program leaders) are the best able due to their proximity to and time with Quizzing participants to determine the appropriateness of eligibility of each participant for their Quizzing teams. Therefore, head coaches are the ultimate decision-makers as to any given quizzer's eligibility for participation. However, all quizzers will be held to the standards of conduct described in Quizzer Behavioral Expectations.

Specific Roles

The following a specific, single-person roles and their responsibilities. Any responsibility of any single-person role may be delegated by that person in that role to another person or duly designated subcommittee of the Board of Directors. When such delegation occurs, the District Coordinator should be notified.

District Coordinator

The following are prerequisite requirements for candidates to fill the position of District Coordinator:

The District Coordinator should appoint a person to be a private adviser, someone who can offer candid and independent feedback to the District Coordinator. Ideally, this person should be a former District Coordinator and not sit on the Board of Directors.

Rules Subcommittee Leader

In addition to leading the Rules Subcommittee, the Rules Subcommittee Leader shall either do or work through the subcommittee to have done the following:

Meet Direction and Logistics

The District Coordinator will appoint a Meet Director, a Meet Logistics Manager, and any other ad hoc roles for each meet. The combined responsibilities for these positions are as follows:

Special Meet Policies

The following are rules related to special or non-standard District meets.

Great West Individual and Team Specifics

The default pattern for quizzer selection to the Great West Individual (GWI) will be:

As far as team formation:

Any changes to these policies will be decided by the Board of Directors and must be before District Meet 5.


The following are the fees associated with quiz meet attendance:

For clarification:

In addition:

Host Facility Reimbursement

Every facility that hosts a quiz meet will receive:

Weather Minimums

There may arise situations where the weather forecast predicts conditions unsafe for travel to, from, or about the meet location.

General Principles: We don't want to cancel any meet, but we have an obligation to cancel whenever the safe outcome of travel is ever in doubt. There isn't an easy way to decide this because there isn't a uniform standard weather minimum for safe travel shared across all drivers, vehicles, and locations. A meet shouldn't be canceled if most teams can safely travel to and from the meet; however, if any coach believes safe travel is in doubt due to weather and declines travel to a meet that isn't canceled, their teams should not be statistically penalized.

The following are the weather-related meet policies: