Quizzer Behavioral Expectations

Quizzers are expected to behave in an ethical, moral, Christ-like manner at all times.

Defined Behaviors

The following describe behavioral standards:






Meekness is not as an indication of weakness but of power and strength under control. The person who possesses this quality pardons injuries, corrects faults, and rules his or her own spirit well.

Goodness and Kindness


Behavioral Standards Infraction Incident Handling

Should an infraction of the behavioral standards take place, it's the responsibility of the quizzer's coach to address the infraction, working with the quizzer to correct the behavior and prevent its reoccurrence.

Should 2 or more infractions take place within a single quiz season, the official noticing this pattern should speak with the quizzer's coach privately. Ideally then, the coach should be receptive to the feedback and take action; however, if the coach doesn't do this, the official should inform the District Coordinator or another member of the Board, and the 2 of them should meet with the coach privately about the matter.

Should a quizzer continue to demonstrate a failure to abide by the behavioral expectations standards beyond the above interventions, the District Coordinator shall have the power to eject the quizzer from the current meet or future meets as the District Coordinator sees fit. All actions taken by the District Coordinator must be communicated to the Board, and the Board may override any of the District Coordinator's actions.